Hello Rupiah Token followers!

Since launching BNB / IDRTB trading pair at Binance DEX, we received many questions on how Rupiah Token users can swap their IDRT with IDRTB and vice-versa. Today, we are glad to announce that we have released Rupiah Token Swap service for registered users on Rupiahtoken.com!

You can access the Swap Token feature on our Dashboard as shown below:

Logged-in users can access Swap option at rupiahtoken.com Dashboard

Key points on our Rupiah Token Swap service

  • Our Rupiah Token Swap service is fast and fully automated! That means registered users can swap IDRT <-> IDRTB quickly, anytime.
  • Swap ratio of IDRT <-> IDRTB will always be 1:1
  • The process of swapping token requires us to internally pay gas fees in ETH and BNB.
    To prevent abuse of this automated system, we need to pass on the gas fee (converted to IDRT / IDRTB) to users. This fee is purely a function of BNB and ETH gas prices – it has nothing to do with the amount of IDRT/IDRTB you swap.

We are constantly BUIDLing to improve our products so we can serve customers better. With this IDRT Token Swap feature, you can move Rupiah Token between Ethereum (for Uniswap / DDEX) and Binance Chain (for Binance DEX) easily.

Check this feature out here https://rupiahtoken.com/dashboard !

About Rupiah Token

PT Rupiah Token Indonesia is a venture-capital backed startup based in Jakarta, Indonesia. As a leading Blockchain technology company, our mission is to boost the acceptance of Indonesian Rupiah worldwide and accelerate the transition to a more inclusive and open financial system. Since our establishment in January 2019, we have been hard at work developing our service in Indonesia and listing our tokens on reputable exchanges.

Follow our blog to stay up-to-date with our latest announcements!

Website: https://rupiahtoken.com/
Blog : https://rupiahtoken.com/blog
Telegram : https://t.me/rupiahtoken_news
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RupiahTokenIDRT
Customer support: [email protected]
Partnerships & Investors: Jeth Soetoyo, CEO — [email protected]

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