We are pleased to announce that Rupiah Token (IDRT) is now available on PancakeSwap. You can now trade your IDRT to other BEP-20 tokens available on PancakeSwap.
PancakeSwap is one of the biggest decentralized exchanges **(DEX) with a total locked value (TVL) of $2.85 billion (based on Defillama data, as of 5 December 2022) which can be used to exchange various crypto assets without third parties and is non-custodial.
Through this partnership, Rupiah Token can strengthen its success as the first stablecoin in Indonesia as well as bring a positive impact to the blockchain industry in Indonesia, or even in the world.
How to Trade on PancakeSwap
Before trading IDRT on PancakeSwap, you need to have BNB Smart Chain compatible wallet, some BNB tokens for gas fees, and the IDRT Token itself. After that, follow the steps below.
- Go to https://pancakeswap.finance/swap#/swap
- Connect your wallet with the PancakeSwap
- Choose the IDRT Token to exchange it with other tokens that are available on PancakeSwap.
- Tap the “Swap” button.
About PancakeSwap
PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that utilizes automated market makers (AMM) technology, launched on September 2022.
Some of its main features are:
- Swap cryptocurrencies within the BEP-20 network
- Liquidity Provider (LP) where you can provide liquidity on a pair of crypto assets to earn rewards from PancakeSwap
- Yield Farming where you can lock your LP tokens and get CAKE token as a reward.
- Staking CAKE to help with the network security and get some rewards.
About Rupiah Token
Rupiah Token (IDRT) is a stablecoin that is backed 1:1 by fiat Indonesian Rupiah. IDRT is available on multiple blockchains namely Ethereum (ERC-20), Binance Chain (BEP-2), BNB Smart Chain (BEP-20), and Luniverse chain. We are the first and most adopted Rupiah stablecoin in Indonesia. The way Rupiah Token works, in a nutshell, is that our user can simply deposit 1 Rupiah Token for 1 fiat Rupiah and withdraw the Rupiah Token back to the fiat Indonesian Rupiah at any time via the mobile wallet app (https://pintu.co.id). We can always guarantee that the Rupiah Token is backed by fiat Indonesian Rupiah in our bank account and we are regularly audited by an independent auditor to prove such collateralization.
How to Get and Send Out IDRT Token
Follow these steps below to get IDRT Token via Pintu app.
- On your Pintu app homepage, tap “Deposit” button

- Choose the deposit method that you want to use.

- Input the deposit amount, and follow the next step till the end.
- Tap “Deposit Now” button.
Then, you can also send out the IDRT token by following these steps.
- Tap Rupiah (IDRT) wallet.

- Tap “More”

- Choose “Send”

- Input the wallet address and IDRT amount that you want to send out, and follow the next step till the end.