We’re really pleased to announce that Rupiah Token (IDRT) is now listed and available for trading on Beldex (https://www.beldex.io/) on Friday, March 27, 2020 with the pair of BTC/IDRT and BDX/IDRT.
Beldex is a hybrid cryptocurrency exchange based in Estonia that combines the best features of Centralized and Decentralized Exchange. Beldex is a pioneer in a hybrid cryptocurrency exchange that protects the interests of traders and contributors by providing a reliable and convenient platform for trading, buying or selling cryptocurrencies with the help of the most popular payment methods. Beldex is also the first Sharia-compliant exchange catering Islamic traders and crypto enthusiasts around the world.
The decision to list IDRT is due to many factors such as customer interest, network security, market capitalization, and trading volume. As Sharia-compliant crypto exchange, Beldex also does not allow or associate itself on major issues such as usury (unprofitable interest rates/profit from debt), gambling, drug use, perceptions of sexual immorality, scams, and economic uncertainty. We believe this will encourage Muslim traders who use IDRT to trade at Beldex.
About Rupiah Token
PT Rupiah Token Indonesia is a venture-capital-backed startup based in Jakarta, Indonesia. As a leading Blockchain technology company, our mission is to boost the acceptance of Indonesian Rupiah worldwide and accelerate the transition to a more inclusive and open financial system. Since our establishment in January 2019, we have been hard at work developing our service in Indonesia and listing our tokens on reputable exchanges.
To request for partnerships or other collaboration opportunities, please email [email protected] or visit rupiahtoken.com to submit a request.
Telegram (EN): https://t.me/rupiahtokeninternational
Telegram (ID): https://t.me/rupiahtokenindonesia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RupiahTokenIDRT
Website: https://rupiahtoken.com